Transcript: Activate a new or replacement credit card

[♪ Music begins ♪]

[We see a person take their new CIBC credit card out of an envelope.]

Congrats, your new CIBC credit card has arrived.

[A bubble pops up above the card, indicating "activate digitally". The person pulls out their phone.]

Let’s activate your card to get you started.

[The bubble disappears as the camera zooms in on the card in the person’s hand.]

In today's fast paced world, we know you're busy and always on the go.

CIBC’s Activate Card feature is now available in CIBC Online and Mobile Banking, so you can activate your new card anytime, anywhere, in three easy steps.

[The hand holding the CIBC credit card animates out and another hand holding a smartphone animates in.]

[We see the CIBC Mobile banking app login screen.]

To get started, log in to CIBC Online or Mobile Banking.

[App navigates to menu, and scrolls down to "Activate Card" which is then highlighted and selected.]

Next, select the Activate Card feature from the main menu in your mobile banking app or from the My Accounts page in online banking.

[App loads the Activate Card screen. The credit card number and other details are entered, and then the "Activate Card" button is pressed.]

Simply enter your card number, expiry date and the three digit card verification value on the back of your card. And then click, "Activate Card".

[A pop-up appears, confirming your CIBC credit card is activated.]

A pop-up will confirm that the card is successfully activated.

[The hand lowers the phone out of frame.]

If this is a new account or your card details have changed, remember to provide your new card details to merchants who need it for pre-authorized payments.

[Card animates out. The app returns to the main "My Accounts" screen. There is now a small banner under the new card, indicating a successful activation.]

That’s it! Your new credit card is now activated and you’re now all set to start using it.

[Phone animates out, revealing the person from the beginning, holding both their new card and a couple of shopping bags.]

For more information about this and other CIBC credit card features, please visit

[Camera pans up, away from person, to reveal CIBC logo and call to action.]

[♪ Music ends ♪]